As of January 3, 2011 Warren County, MO will have a brand new Integrity™ Web GIS site with which to provide digital mapping data to the public. Developed by Midland GIS Solutions out of Maryville, MO – Integrity™ is an innovative Web GIS solution built on Esri’s latest ArcGIS Server technology for all levels of local government and private and public organizations.
In addition to supporting all the features of our current web GIS site, Integrity™ provides an extremely user-friendly interface and gives our users much more control over their experience. Several new features available in Integrity™ such as the ability to save/load layer workspaces, bookmarks, advanced queries, and custom markup gives both new and recurring users an unprecedented amount of control to create a workspace they can use every day without having to start from scratch. These features of Integrity™ are just the tip of the iceberg and we are very pleased to be able to share this resource and start 2011 with a bang!