Homestead Preservation Credit not extended

The Homestead Preservation Credit (HPC) Program was not extended during the 2010 legislative session. The HPC program will sunset (expire) on August 28, 2010. There will not be a 2010 Homestead Preservation Credit. For persons who were approved to receive a credit on your 2009 HPC application, letters will be mailed in August 2010 to inform you of the credit you will receive on your real estate tax statement.



Note: The Property Tax Credit (Circuit Breaker) is still available for eligible seniors/disabled people. The Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim gives credit to certain senior citizens and 100 percent disabled individuals for a portion of the real estate taxes or rent they have paid for the year. The credit is for a maximum of $750 for renters and $1,100 for owners who owned and occupied their home. The actual credit is based on the amount of real estate taxes or rent paid and total household income (taxable and nontaxable).



Click here for the Property Tax Credit Qualification Chart

Oct 28, 2010